372㎡公寓 | MICHAEL K CHEN ARCHITECTURE按照客户的请求對這座旧宅子举行总體的修复和翻新,項目就在美國的纽约。設計師保存了部門的布景,在本来的结構长進行增光添彩。固然没有豪华的气味,但平平朴實的气概加倍舒适合居。
According to the client's request, this old house is fully restored and renovated. The project is located in New York, USA. The designer kept part of the background and added luster to the original layout. Although there is no luxurious atmosphere, the plain and simple style is more comfortable and livable.
The background walls of the living room are all painted with white latex paint, and plaster lines are simply placed on the top to make the whole space bright and clean. Add some solid wood furniture under the pure white background. The gray sofa combination is matched with the log color, w治療椎間盤突出,hich is also a natural harmony.
The designer chose to keep the original wood color b延時噴霧,ackground wall of the restaurant. The built-in bookcase frame and the charm blue sofa are placed in the dining room, adding the function of reading, studying and resting in leisure time to this space. The wood-colored background is in sharp contrast with the modern furniture, and the collision of the two styles is more simple and generous.
The designers of the two small rooms on the side have arranged them completely differently, adding more possibilities in the same house, and such diversity can better satisfy the wishes of the residents.
The wood-colored wallpaper in the bedroom gives the occupants a warm feeling消暑飲品,, and with the gray and white bedding, it looks comfortable and livable. The two bathrooms also correspond to the two open areas in front, with different styles, adding to the overall diversity.
美海内地有一間設計事情室名為MICHAEL K CHEN ARCHITECTURE,他们最长于為贸易大楼、住房、旅店等做室内設計,他们對本身設計的作品请求很是高,有多年的事情履历,立异思惟丰硕。
There is a design studio called MICHAEL K CHEN ARCHITECTURE in the mainland of the United States. They are best at interior design for co妹妹ercial buildings, housing, hotels, etc. They have very high requirements for the works they design. They have many years of work experience and are rich in innovative thinking.